Reese's Bookclub LitUp Update.

Pursuing Untold Stories

'In the Ruins' is a pick!

'Maropeng: In the Ruins', has been selected as one of the five winners of Reese's Bookclub LitUp Fellowship Cycle 3.


It feels so incredibly surreal to have embarked on a journey I never wanted to in the first place (LOL), only for it to pivot in this major way! One of the biggest lessons for me from all of this is: Give way to God every time! He truly goes beyond one's imagination.

I will be heading to Nashville, Tennessee, in the second week of June for a Retreat to kickstart my journey with Reese's Bookclub LitUp. And before that I will find out which published author will be mentoring me (another - ahhhhh!!)

I will be in touch when I return from Nashville.

I appreciate your support. If you know anyone who'd like to be a part of this journey, please encourage them sign up for the newsletter at

Thank you for sharing this moment with me.


Ntebogeng Mahlare Archer

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